Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Traveller's Tales #3: Philadelphia

This one's real down and dirty; it happened to be on tap in a hotel bar, so I didn't even get to look at a bottle. I've included a link to the brewer's website in the title for all you curious folk out there.

Yards Philadelphia Pale Ale

In their words: (...)

In my words:
This beer seems to have a serious identity crisis; on the nose we have orange zest, fresh wheat, and faint hops. These hefeweizen characteristics extend into the mouthfeel, which is initially crisp, then softens into a hoppy, dry finish; the only thing missing was a lingering sweetness.

This is in no way meant to demean the beer itself, indeed, it was well made and went over smoothly. Calling this a pale ale, however, is misleading; the profile was all wrong for the two fingers of Dewar's it was accompanying (for example).

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